Storyboards not setting the proper custom font in Xcode 15.0 for iOS

Have an app with Storyboards that use a few customer fonts (Poppins and FontAwesome). No issues at all in Xcode 14.

Updated to Xcode 15, and can build clean and run no issues reported. But many of the buttons and labels have the incorrect custom Font assigned - instead of FontAwesome, the get assigned Poppin. In a few cases FontAwesome is used, but the incorrect weight (I log the button font in awakeFromNib.

I've looked at the Storyboard XML, it looks fine, and if I set the font to some system font all works fine. Setting it to a system font, then back to FontAwesome does not fix anything, and the XML looks identical to what it was before.

I'm at a total loss as to what to do next. Any suggestions most appreciated.

PS: in awakeFromNib, I can set the font to the correct FontAwsome font, and the control shows as it should. So the font works from code, not from the Storyboard.

Too late to edit it. This has got to be an "ibtool" problem. There are two custom fonts in the storyboard (actually 2 variations of each). There is a plist generated by ibtool in the bundle, and the order of these custom fonts differs between Xcode 14 and 15. Try as I might, I can't get that tool to create human readable nibs or even XML ones - always binary.

Well someone must have reported this earlier, I just downloaded and tried Xcode 15.1 Beta, and it fixes the issue.

Storyboards not setting the proper custom font in Xcode 15.0 for iOS