From my 2D WindowGroup, the user can open an ImmersiveSpace. (For some reason the original 2D WindowGroup disappears as soon as the mouse cursor is not over that windows anymore, so the user is only in the immersive space, not sure what the logic is there)
Bt anyhow, what is the standard UX pattern to let the user exit that space again, and return to the 2D part of the app?
This is roughly my app's setup:
var body: some SwiftUI.Scene {
WindowGroup {
ImmersiveSpace(id: "ImmersiveSpaceVideoWrapper"){
}.immersionStyle(selection: $currentStyle, in: .mixed, .progressive, .full)
ImmersiveSpace(id: "ImmersiveSpacePhotoWrapper"){
}.immersionStyle(selection: $currentStyle, in: .mixed, .progressive, .full)