When we try to export CapturedRoom getting cannotCreateNode(path: "/9EE71ED0F8D6415496A7B9F0C3671DB0321") in

We are using the RoomPlan API to capture data, which is stored in the 'CapturedRoom' variable in our code (referred to as 'finalResult'). We then attempt to save a USDZ file in the file manager. Sometimes it works, but other times, we encounter issues like the one below

Coding Error: in _IsValidPathForCreatingPrim at line 3338 of usd/stage.cpp -- Path must be an absolute path: <>
cannotCreateNode(path: "/9EE71ED0F8D6415496A7B9F0C3671DB0321")

This is that code we are using for shaving CapturedRoom data

func saveFileLocal() {
      if let finalResult {
          let fm = FileManager.default
          let documentsURL = fm.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first!
          //let documentsURL = URL.documentsDirectory
          let fileName = "\(UUID().uuidString).usdz"
          let fileURL = documentsURL.appendingPathComponent(fileName)
          do {
              try finalResult.export(to: fileURL)
          } catch {

Please help us. 


(for anyone finding this from a search - there's other discussions around here on this topic)

File names for CapturedRoom export cannot start with a number - it's a leaky abstraction, implementation details about UDSZ have escaped and affect our choice of filenames (courtesy of DTS: a requirement of the USD spec, see the documentation here: https://openusd.org/dev/api/group__group__tf___string.html#gaa129b294af3f68d01477d430b70d40c8)

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