Adding custom Simulated Scenes to Apple Vision Pro Simulator


Been playing around with some of the first examples and apps documented. After a while, I wanted to move to a custom space in the simulator. Scanned throughout the options in the simulator and in XCode but couldn't find how to add custom Simulated Scenes (e.g. my own room) to the Simulator.

Could someone point out how to get this done? Even if programatically, some pointers would be welcome.


This would be awesome, please do update here if you find a way to do this! I haven't seen anybody do this so far, but the hacky solution I would suggest if this is not currently possible is to load in your desired model at room scale into the museum scene and hope it doesn't clip with any of the walls around it. The benches would probably be the only thing you would still see. Alternatively, you could load your desired room scale model with .setPosition to something like x=50 so that it loads outside of the simulated environment and then you could walk over to that model instead lol. Hacky but might be the easiest solution to get this up and running quickly

Thanks @stevenhoward, that's a creative suggestion indeed. Like the hack and I'll have our team test that out. I worry though that larger models may simply not "fit" within the museum.

Forward looking, Apple folks, it'd be awesome to facilitate this out via a dev-option. I looked quickly into the files that ship within XCode 15 Beta and tried finding the models directly with no luck so far. 3D models seem embedded into databases so I'll probably have to do a binary search, which is going to take more time. Any hints from other devs would be welcome here.

For context and in appreciation to @stevenhoward's suggestion, here's a bit of additional feedback from our side: we managed to implement what we were looking for by following @stevenhoward's suggestion. Shortly, we're dynamically loading a model on top of the Simulated Scene. This isn't optimal for our use case (robotics), but leads to an scenario that allows us to continue moving forward with incremental prototypes to achieve our goal.

Apple staff, it'd be great to get this capability implemented (switching the Simulated Scene) easily.

Are there any new updates to this?

Yes, it is a good idea and my intention is similar where I want to add a custom football field. But for the simulated room and its wall, I am not seeing the entire field properly. Is there any idea, and thanks in advance for any positive reply?

Adding custom Simulated Scenes to Apple Vision Pro Simulator