Hi, I'm developing an app like Opal which uses Screen Time API. So the user should be able to create modes to activate it later, like an alarm. There's a list of durations and mode names and there should be selected apps, so whenever the user turns the switch on, app restricting should be started. How can I save the selected apps in FirebaseFirestore, and then get that data to restrict the apps whenever the user turns the switch on? I've tried to save it as Strings, but I can't convert it later to ApplicationToken to insert it to Set<ApplicationToken>.
How to save FamilyActivitySelection in FirebaseFirestore
Still wondering if someone has figured out a solution to this.
Hi, you can try saving it to local UserDefaults or you can try to utilize the following solution to store in the FireStore.
let encoder = PropertyListEncoder()
let decoder = PropertyListDecoder()
//When saving selection
UserDefaults.standard.set(try? self.encoder.encode(newValue), forKey: DefaultKeys.familyControlSelections)
//When retrieving Selection
guard let data = UserDefaults.standard.data(forKey: DefaultKeys.familyControlSelections) else {
print("====> no data saved in the family controls user defaults")
if let selections = try? decoder.decode(FamilyActivitySelection.self, from: data){
self.store.shield.applications = selections.applicationTokens.isEmpty ? nil : selections.applicationTokens
self.store.shield.applicationCategories = ShieldSettings.ActivityCategoryPolicy.specific(selections.categoryTokens, except: Set())
self.store.shield.webDomains = selections.webDomainTokens