iOS 17 bug - app crashes when input element is focused when using Automatic Assessment Configuration

We maintain an app that uses Automatic Assessment Configuration and WebKit, and have encountered a bug in iOS 17 that causes the app to crash when an input element is focused in AAC mode.

In the console, we see the following error, which may or may not be related:

RTIInputSystemClient remoteTextInputSessionWithID:performInputOperation:]  perform input operation requires a valid sessionID.

This error message appears when touching an input field even when there is no crash. We've tried various "fixes" like removing our non-HTML input elements and disabling auto-complete. None of them prevented the crashing behavior.

The crash only occurs when the AAC session has started. We were able to create a minimally-reproducing example app that loads a bit of static HTML:

Has anyone else encountered this issue? Is there any work-around?

We found something similar and we were able to resolve it by launching our MDM app on the iPad first. We found that if the MDM app was not launched then the crash would happen when trying to trigger anything related to Automatic Assessment Configuration or ASAM.

Hi, I am a student and unfortunately I encounted this issue during my SAT exam and resulted in my test cancellation. I was on iPad Pro 11 (2022) with iPad OS 17.0.2 using their Bluebook testing app. The crash happens when clicking on an input, and after restarting the iPad, it would not trigger the crash for a few minutes. Then the crash happens again on input focus.

Maybe I have the same problem here, too. Works under iPad OS 16, crashes with 17.0.2.

Same thing here, we have a cordova application that launch a webview using CDVWebViewEngine. Since iOS 17.0.0, the app crashes as soon as we try to focus an input in the webview if the app runs in Autonomous Single App Mode.

We tried to:

  • update cordova to the latest version 12.0.0
  • update cordova-ios to the latest version 7.0.1
  • build the application with XCode 15.1.x

(note that the app is build on M1 processors)

When we check the logs on XCode we see at the moment of the crash: RTIInputSystemClient remoteTextInputSessionWithID:performInputOperation:] perform input operation requires a valid sessionID.

Any new from Apple on this ?

Same issue on Cordova. Any solutions?

iOS 17 bug - app crashes when input element is focused when using Automatic Assessment Configuration