Audio issue on safari browser iOS 17

Hi guys, I'm a XR Developer, lately making a lot of web ar apps, I'm having an issue with iOS 17 at least on my iphone 14 Pro where the sound comes out of the call speaker, resulting very very low volume, sometimes I'm not sure how if I lock the phone and move it when I unlock it and go back to the webapp the sound it normal, loud and coming out of the media speakers.

How I used to do this is my "start button" I unmute a <video> play and pause it, and with this I used to be able to play later sounds of videos on the browser.

Did something change with the last iOS 17 update? Is there a workaround for this? In the end what I want is be able to play sounds and videos on the web browser...

This is a tag of a project that was working fine before the 17 update:

<video id="vid" playsinline webkit-playsinline crossorigin="anonymous" loop="false" src="./assets/video.mp4" preload="auto" muted></video>

And this is what I do on the start button:

video.muted = false;; video.pause();

Help would be appreciated since I'm in the middle of deployment, thanks in advance

Hi, I have the same problem, from what I saw it occurs when I try to use the camera at the same time as playing a video,

The problem doesn't occur when I select "request desktop version" in site settings or I don't request camera access.

Same problem. A combination of Camera + sound sometimes causes the sound to be really low. Did you find a solution to the problem? Thanks!

Same issue here On a website we use:

<video poster="https://.../HERO_MOB_NS4.jpg" preload="none" playsinline="">
		<source src="" type="video/mp4">

then on PLAY click we run JS:;
$(videoEl).attr('controls', '');

Before 17.0 everything was perfect

Any update? It's a critical bug in an app I'm building, please help

Any update? it's a critical bug

FYI this issue was marked fixed by Apple but had not made it into an iOS release yet. See

As a workaround, you can request microphone permissions on iOS 17 and audio will come out of all device speakers.

I need a urgent solve for this as well

We are running the AR project on IOS 16.4, granted microphone and camera permissions, and the audio sounds low when the browser plays multiple audio files. But on IOS 17, it runs perfectly. How to solve it

This still an issue, any solution on 2024?

Audio issue on safari browser iOS 17