Relative To Container in Interface Builder rounds value in Xcode

I'm not sure when it started (sometime before Xcode 15), but in Interface Builder, if I set the Height or Width to Relative to Container, the value I put in the numeric field displays as a rounded integer. In other words, if I set it to be 0.25, it displays as 0; if I set it to 0.75, it displays as 1. It does behave as the number I've entered. It's just frustrating when I'm trying to tweak my numbers and I have to write down what I've entered.

Is this a bug in Xcode, or is there some oddball setting that I may have inadvertently changed?

Just noticed that some of the fields actually display multiple decimal places. I can find no rhyme or reason which field work and which don't.

Relative To Container in Interface Builder rounds value in Xcode