Cannot retrieve UIImage from PHPickerViewController, it returns nil.

Hello, after updating the physical device to iOS17, it seems there's an issue with the ImagePicker's functionality. In our app, even though NSItemProvider indicates canLoadObject(ofClass: UIImage.self) returns true, the method loadObject(ofClass: UIImage.self) { (object, error) consistently returns nil.

There's also a possibility that the same phenomenon is occurring with the standard Notes app's image picker, preventing images from being passed to the app.

Could you please submit a report using the Feedback app so we can further investigate the issue? Thanks!

This issue seems to have been resolved in iOS 17.0.1 (Build: 21A340).

Thank you.

I encountered the same issue.

Selecting the 'Most Compatible'(JPEG) camera format prevents the problem from occurring.

I've also noticed that the problem occurs less frequently when the device is charging. It's strange.

Cannot retrieve UIImage from PHPickerViewController, it returns nil.