Hi Team,
I have been recently working on MacOS native application which interactes with Native API's to fetch SSID but recently this below mentioned API is returning nil
as response on Sonoma OS Version.
Below is the Objective - C
for code reference
CWWiFiClient *client = [CWWiFiClient sharedWiFiClient];
CWInterface *interface = [client interface];
NSString *ssid = [interface ssid];
I'm referring to following API - https://developer.apple.com/documentation/corewlan/cwwificlient?language=objc
And trying to retrieve ssid https://developer.apple.com/documentation/corewlan/cwinterface?language=objc
Note : The API is working on MacOS 13.0+ version and this seems to have broken in 14.0+ version
Could you please provide us more details on the API issue, or any alternatives that can be followed, because from the documentation the above code seems to be a valid operation and nothing that is deprecated or restricted.