Unable to install “myapp”

Developing along, no problems - and then suddenly:

Failed to verify code signature of /var/installd/Library/Caches/com.apple.mobile.installd.staging/temp.G47wHn/extracted/Payload/Dvn8.app : 0xe8008001 (An unknown error has occurred.)

Verify that the Developer App certificate for your account is trusted on your device. Open Settings on the device and navigate to General -> VPN & Device Management, then select your Developer App certificate to trust it.

—> On my Mac, there is no /var/installd directory.

—> On my device, there is no Developer App certificate in Settings -> General -> VPN & Device Management.

I have verified on developer.apple.com under Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles that my device‘s Device ID (UUID) as listed.

I have NO problem building & installing this app to my iPad, nor any problems installing other of my apps to this iPhone - it’s just this app on the phone that’s messed up.

I’ve restarted everything multiple times. I’ve cleared out both /Users/me/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ as well as /Users/me/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/

I’ve turned off & back on Settings -> Privacy & Security -> Developer Mode

using macOS Version 14.0 (Build 23A5337a) Xcode 15.0 (22005) (Build 15A5229m)

Please help! I’m 100% blocked from releasing a new version of our app, which is 100% ready to upload!

App Target -> Signing and capabilities -> Debug -> uncheck and recheck Automatically manage signing, this completely figure out my problem.

After spending two evenings on this problem, trying all the above solutions, these steps finally did it for me:

On Mac:

  • Disable "Automatically manage signing" inside xcode.
  • Unpair device from xcode (inside Device manager)
  • Navigate to ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/ and i deleted the existing profiles

On phone:

  • Delete the broken app
  • Open up your phone and navigate to Settings -> Developer and then press "clear trusted devices"

On Mac:

  • Open xcode and enable the automatic code signing again
  • Pair device again
  • Voila.

I hope this might help someone <3

My issue for that was post build actions (doing some useful things) and make changes inside *.app folder just before running on device. Removed that actions, and problem is gone.

I've tried all the advice above and none of it works. In the current version, I am not able to install any program on new devices. I still end up with the same error message:

Recovery Suggestion: Verify that the Developer App certificate for your account is trusted on your device. Open Settings on the device and navigate to General -> VPN & Device Management, then select your Developer App certificate to trust it.

However, I don't see any certificate to confirm in the menu: General -> VPN & Device Management.

There was no problem with this before. It works fine on previously paired devices. Even if I create a very simple program (Hello, World.), it doesn't work on new devices.

By my side, same thing, unparing the phone from Xcode & clean build from product menu & rebuilt / repair worked.

Apple Deverloper Support pls read this post and help us PLSS , it wasted a lot of time of us to fix that ! PLSSSSS

what kind of a bull*hit problem i am dealing with for 2 weeks i tried all but no solution.

I did so:

  1. Clean Project
  2. Delete Derrived Data
  3. Delete app on device
  4. Delete certificate from KeyChain

after that app installed

I'm going to post this in multiple places as I just went through this dance and NONE of the advice worked. iOS 17.3.1 and XCode15.2. I think the precipitating issue was that my provisioning profile expired.

I restarted, wiped DerivedData, created new certs, new profiles, double-checked the device was included in the list, had a happy thought when the device list needed its annual reset ... all the advice here and elsewehere didn't fix.

What DID seem to turn the corner was simply building a new app with XCode managing signing and running it on the device!

When I did that, before it deployed to the device, I got the Codesign auth popup on Mac so it could have access to the keychain.

After authorising and running that app from XCode, I was able to deploy my app to device!

Check you "Run Script" phases, if you preprocess some frameworks it may influence integrity of the outcome build. T

Unable to install “myapp”