Cannot create signature for JWT for APNs

I am trying to generate the signature for a JWT using a .p8 private key from Apple for APNs in PHP.

If I try to use the following command hash_hmac('sha256', $header . '.' . $payload, $key), when checking it in Apple's JSON Web Token Validator, I get that the signature is invalid.

I have also tried converting the .p8 private key to a PEM file and importing it into the OpenSSL library, but I am still getting the error message openssl_sign(): Supplied key param cannot be coerced into a private key.

But I generate the JWT using Apple's JSON Web Token Generator, everything goes well, even the request to APNs.

Thank you in advance!

Can't help with your PHP code, but has example source code to create JWTs for many language and systems you might wish to use.

Cannot create signature for JWT for APNs