Text background color for newlines in TextKit 2

When using NSTextLayoutManager.addRenderingAttribute(.backgroundColor, value: NSColor.red, for: range), the background color for a line is only drawn as far as the last visible character. There is also a thin space between the lines where the background color is not visible.

Whe using NSLayoutManager.addTemporaryAttribute(.backgroundColor, value: NSColor.red, forCharacterRange: range), the background color is drawn also for newline characters and soft line wraps.

I would like to achieve the effect of using NSLayoutManager.addTemporaryAttribute(.backgroundColor, value: NSColor.red, forCharacterRange: range), but since I'm targeting TextKit 2, I have to avoid using NSLayoutManager. Is there a way to achieve this with NSTextLayoutManager or one of the other related classes in TextKit 2?

Text background color for newlines in TextKit 2