UIDocumentInteractionController doesn't apply custom name to the file

Hello there!

UIDocumentInteractionController.name property doesn't seem to work as documented. Here's the sample code:

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    // ...
    func showShareController(with sourceView: UIView) {
        // ...
        let attachment = MyAttachment(name: "MyDoc.pdf", url: URL(string: "path/to/<MyDocInternalUUIDName>.pdf")!, uti: UTType(mimeType: "application/pdf"))
        let sourceViewRect = view.convert(sourceView.bounds, from: sourceView)
        documentInteractionController = UIDocumentInteractionController(url: attachment.url)
        documentInteractionController?.uti = attachment.uti?.identifier
        documentInteractionController?.name = attachment.name
        documentInteractionController?.delegate = self

            from: sourceViewRect,
            in: view,
            animated: true

The share sheet is presented successfully, as well the file is available to share via some service (I've used AirDrop from the test device to my MacBook). However, in the navigation bar I see the internal UUID filename, and it's shared to my MacBook with the very same name:

Is this a bug or am I missing something?

UIDocumentInteractionController doesn't apply custom name to the file