What is Service UUID for bluetooth devices like Apple Airpods.

I am working on a Application which requires to identify whether any airpods are connected to Ipad. I have used retrieveConnectedPeripherals(withServices:) in CoreBluetooth framework (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/corebluetooth/cbcentralmanager/1518924-retrieveconnectedperipherals ) and tried to fetch the bluetooth connected devices list. But this method mandates to provide ServiceUUID list of the devices that needs to be fetched. Based on available information on various forums , I tried to used below UUIDS for fetching bluetooth connected airpods from this doc (https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/assigned-numbers) but none of them worked for me. retrieveConnectedPeripherals() returns empty list everytime eventhough airpods are connected to Ipad during testing.

Audio Stream Control service 0x184E, Automation IO service 0x1815, Broadcast Audio Announcement service 0x1852, Broadcast Audio Scan service 0x184F, Common Audio service 0x1853, Generic Media Control service 0x1849, Media Control service 0x1848, Microphone Control service 0x184D, Volume Control service 0x1844, Audio Input Control service 0x1843

Other UUIDs tried : 0x1108 0x1112 0x111E 0x111F

Would like to know correct UUID for apple Airpods. Thanks in advance!

Let me know if any other information is required.

It's 0x180F, or 180F if you use it like so:

let serviceUUIDs: [CBUUID] = [CBUUID(string: "180F")]
What is Service UUID for bluetooth devices like Apple Airpods.