Hello, I have developed a pair of apps for managing reservations at a pub. The front office portion, for the pub's customers, is successfully available on the store. However, I have been asked to make the back office (staff) part available for IOS as well. I would like to be able to install it only for the pub owner, without going through an official store (similar to how you do it with APKs). I've tried using https://installonair.com/, but when I try to have him download it, it gives the message that "integrity cannot be verified...". Am I doing something wrong? Is there a way to share an app with a single person without going through the store?
Request for Assistance: Distributing iOS App to a Single User Without Using the App Store
If the organisation is enrolled to Apple Business Manager you could distribute trough that. See more on: https://developer.apple.com/support/volume-purchase-and-custom-apps/