iOS 17 Bluetooth DFU bug

We were using this library ( from Nordic Semiconductor to perform OTA firmware update.

Everything works perfectly until iOS 17 came out. Some of our users are on iOS 17 beta program, they experienced firmware update issues with it.

In our testing, the update progress can initiate without any issue, however, at some random point during the update (sometimes 1%, sometimes 60%, it's totally random) the progress gets stuck.

The firmware update wasn't an issue on iOS 16 and below, so we suspect that it's a bug on the new OS, not on the library.

Answered by Boom-FM in 768174022

The bug is fixed by lowering the Package Receipt Notifications (PRN) value. Disabling PRN seems to work too.

I also have the same issue with iPhone 14 series with OS 17. some random point during the update progress gets stuck. @Boom-FM did you find out what is the cause ? Your response will be helpfull. Thanks

Accepted Answer

The bug is fixed by lowering the Package Receipt Notifications (PRN) value. Disabling PRN seems to work too.

iOS 17 Bluetooth DFU bug