Would This Work? (Importing Medical Records)

So almost every EPIC customer is now at a version that would allow their medical records to be imported, many of them just haven't filled out the Apple form to list their organization.

EPIC does publish a list of the FHIR endpoints for all of these customers though.

Functionally it should be possible to write an app that authenticates the user to their provider, and downloads the FHIR data from the API, and then pushes it into Apple Health.

The two things I'm not clear on though are:

  1. Are the Medical Records available to write to from an app, or is it only available through organizations registered through Apple using their UI?

  2. Would Apple consider this a replication of their functionality as far as App Store T's & C's go?

The clinical records API is read-only, it's not possible to write FHIR data back to HealthKit.

Would This Work? (Importing Medical Records)