WWDC 2015 video on GCD missing (again)

In a thread titled “Avoid Dispatch Global Concurrent Queues” [1], Quinn links to a video from WWDC 2015 Session 718, “Building Responsive and Efficient Apps with GCD”. However, this video is not available from the Apple Developer Videos site; only a half dozen or so videos from 2015 are available.

This same issue of the missing video came up about five years ago, when Quinn stated that the video had been mistakenly removed but had been restored. Now it’s gone again. :sad_face: Could this video be restored again, or at least its transcript?

While I understand that Apple is focused on Swift concurrency, I need to maintain some Objective-C code that uses GCD, and in tracking down some performance issues, I would like to better understand the tradeoffs in the existing code and make improvements where I can. I don’t have the resources to reimplement the code in Swift right now.

(More generally, why can't Apple just leave all these videos online indefinitely, for historical purposes at least? Couldn't the ones deemed “old and misleading” just be tagged with a banner like the legacy documentation has?)

[1] I like to think of these valuable threads as “Quinn Technical Notes”; I have a page in my Notes app that holds links to the ones I’ve found.

Yeah, I'm looking for that video too

The transcript seems to be available at the Internet Archive. I don't think the video works, but I could be wrong.

I emailed to Quinn 1 month ago to ask about this video too. He said that he will ask his colleagues to bring to video back. Now I'm waiting for it

Now I'm waiting for it

You and me both. I have a reminder to check up on that but… well… I have reminders to do a lot of stuff )-:

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"

Found it on the internet archive: https://archive.org/details/wwdc2015videos/718_hd_building_responsive_and_efficient_apps_with_gcd.mp4

WWDC 2015 video on GCD missing (again)