Unable to associate domain in non developer mode


I have a problem with associated domains developing Passkeys app.

Adding alternate mode(developer mode) to Associated Domains Entitlement, it works fine.

But in non developer mode, CDN doesn't seem to read the AASA file.

Is there another reason why it only works in developer mode?

Thanks for your reply.

If the association file was added relatively recently, it's possible the Apple CDN hasn't picked it up yet. The What's new in Universal Links session from a few years goes into a lot of detail about how this service works and how can you debug it.

@garrett-davidson Thanks your reply.

It's been a while since I added the AASA file.

I have additional questions.

Does the DNS server address itself have to be valid?

Right now it's responding with a 404 error because the page doesn't exist.

Unable to associate domain in non developer mode