Anchor Window Group

Hello, I am looking for something to allow me to Anchor a webview component to the user, as in it follows their line of vision as they move.

I tried using RealityView with an Anchor Entity, but it raises an error of "Presentations are not permitted within volumetric window scene". Can I anchor the Window instead?

As far as I understand the current implementation for RealityKit/ARKit, you cannot auto-anchor Window Groups / windows / volumes to detected surfaces.

You can only anchor entities inside of an immersive space. (you can however use mixed or full immersion, but you cannot use the shared space)

This means, any auto-anchoring by the app will eliminate the possibility to multi-task for the user.

If you decide to use mixed immersion and you want a view( for ex. a menu) that follows the user around you can do the following:

  1. create a head anchor
  2. add a very tiny entity ( to make practically invisible) to the head anchor
  3. add the head anchor to your root entity.
  4. create you view as an attachment and add it to your tiny entity.

I'm unsure if this is the best way to do this. Notwithstanding Apple's visionOS HIG, it works reasonably well.

Anchor Window Group