UIResponder.printContent(_:) is not called when tapping Print in navigation item title menu

By following the documentation, in Info.plist I have added UIApplicationSupportsPrintCommand = true, but when tapping the navigation item's title and selecting Print, printContent(_:) is never called. On the other hand, when selecting Move, move(_:) is called as expected. What's the problem?

The issue can be reproduced by using the code below in a newly created Xcode project with the App template.

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        navigationItem.title = "asdf"
        navigationItem.documentProperties = UIDocumentProperties(url: URL(fileURLWithPath: "/asdf"))
        navigationItem.titleMenuProvider = { suggestions in
            return UIMenu(children: suggestions)

    override func move(_ sender: Any?) {
    override func printContent(_ sender: Any?) {

UIResponder.printContent(_:) is not called when tapping Print in navigation item title menu