Simulating the camera in Vision Pro


I have a Vision Pro App that needs to use the camera as an input device, however I can't capture frames in the simulator.

Does anyone know a way of connecting a camera to the simulator for debugging purposes?

Could I somehow use my iPhone camera/iPad camera as an input device until DevKits are available?

Kind Regards



I also noticed AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatus(for: .video) = 'authorizationStatus(for:)' is unavailable in xrOS

I am also looking for a similar use case to access camera in vision pro.


I recommend that you watch this WWDC video: The link is time stamped to the relevant portion of the video, which explains camera availability on Vision Pro.

Also, camera availability is detailed in the linked sections in the documentation of:

Making your existing app compatible with visionOS:

Checking whether your existing app is compatible with visionOS:

Bringing your existing apps to visionOS

Hi, have you managed to compile camera output for further processing in you Apple Vision pro app? Cause it seems to me that such task is unavailable. Thanks for response..

Simulating the camera in Vision Pro