This code does not make sense, I would just like to get information based on it.
set MyData to "MyData1|MyData2"
on MyScript(MyData)
set MyVar1 to "MyData1"
set MyVar2 to "MyData2"
return MyVar1 & "|" & MyVar2
end MyScript
The text is passed in the code: "MyData1|MyData2". I need to divide it into two parts by the "|" symbol. And write each part into two variables: myVar1 and myVar2. How to do it?
P.S. The problem is that only one parameter can be passed to on...end. I need to pass two. I'll pass one, then split it into two.
Text item delimiters are what you are looking for, for example:
set myString to "MyData1|MyData2"
set {myVar1, myVar2} to splitString(myString)
to splitString(someString)
set tempTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters -- save current delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "|"
set pieces to text items of someString -- split the string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tempTID -- restore old delimiters
set firstPart to item 1 of pieces
set secondPart to item 2 of pieces
on error errmess -- delimiter not found
log errmess
return {firstPart, ""} -- empty string for missing item
end try
return {firstPart, secondPart}
end splitString