I'm in the process of converting one of my apps to SwiftData. I converted the other ones over. This app has a much more involved Schema, but SwiftData seems to handle it well. My issue is when I try to fetch data based on a. #Predicate. Here's my code.
let predicate = #Predicate<Data> { data in
data.result == result
&& data.variable!.starts(with: SomeString)
let sortBy = [SortDescriptor<Data>(\.result]
let descriptor = FetchDescriptor<Data>(predicate: predicate, sortBy: sortBy)
if let theData = try? context?.fetch(descriptor) {
The if let at the bottom fails. Note that 'variable' is optional while result is not. I have to use ! in the predicate since it's a bool that is returned. If my predicate were just data.result == result, then all is well. I can then check the received data for the second condition in the predicate just fine. It just doesn't work inside of the Predicate. The same is true if I used contains. Anybody else having this issue? I'm using Xcode 15.0 beta 6.