Unable to run the sample code

Hello, after installing Xcode 15 beta and the sample project provided for object capture in wwdc23 I am getting the below error:

dyld[2006]: Symbol not found: _$s19_RealityKit_SwiftUI20ObjectCaptureSessionC7Combine010ObservableE0AAMc
  Referenced from: <35FD44C0-6001-325E-9F2A-016AF906B269> /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/776635FF-FDD4-4DE1-B710-FC5F27D70D4F/GuidedCapture.app/GuidedCapture
  Expected in:     <6A96F77C-1BEB-3925-B370-266184BF844F> /System/Library/Frameworks/_RealityKit_SwiftUI.framework/_RealityKit_SwiftUI

I am trying to run the sample project on an iPhone 12 Pro (iOS 17.0 (21A5291j))

Any help in solving this issue would be appreciated.

Thank you.

The sample project as of now is out of date with the latest beta. Instead of using Observable, now the changes in the ObjectCaptureSession need to be grabbed from AsyncSequence.

The sample code requires Xcode Beta 2 and iPhone 17 Beta that time, it seems that the code needed to be revised quite a amount to run with current beta sdk and phone OS.

Seeing the same issue on my end as well. I have the latest versions of Xcode and iOS 17 trying to run the sample code on an iPhone 14 Pro. Guess we have to wait until Apple updates the sample code for Object Capture to be in sync with the latest versions of Xcode and iOS 17. Wish they just developed an app for object capture rather than just supplying sample/source code.

The sample code appears to have been updated (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/RealityKit/guided-capture-sample) and is now building successfully for me on iOS 17 Beta 8/Xcode 15 Beta 8. I've only tested briefly, but I was able to successfully capture photos and create a 3D model on-device again.

Unable to run the sample code