Messages showing old Link Preview title and image, despite long updated meta/og tags

About 8 or 9 months ago now, we changed our open graph meta tags on, but since then, the Messages and Mail apps have been showing our old og:image and og:title values, which points to our old company name / brand.

Any suggestions on what could be causing this? As far as I can tell, everything is setup correctly, best practices are being followed, etc, but Apple's bot scraper hasn't picked up these changes (for a long time).

What is expected?

  • Open
  • The Link Preview shown in that tool is how it SHOULD look.

What we've confirmed / debugged so far:

  • These meta tags are served as static html from our server, no javascript is needed to generate them.
  • We have followed the advice on Apple's Best Practices site, according to this doc, everything should work:
  • We have confirmed correct behavior using facebooks debug tool

Our meta tags

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" prefix="og:">
  <meta property="og:title" content="High-quality hearing aids with expert care." />
  <meta property="og:image" content="" />

It appears that is returning a fallback page when fetched with the User Agent that Messages and Mail use to generate previews. Specifically, a page that says:

          <h4>Sorry, your browser is not supported.</h4>
          <p>Please try updating your browser to the latest version or try on a newer computer or mobile device.</p>

and also includes the old OpenGraph metadata that you are seeing when sending a link in Messages and Mail.

I believe if you fix this, you will get the metadata you expect.

Messages showing old Link Preview title and image, despite long updated meta/og tags