How to set minimum deployment target version to iPhone and iPad separately?

I tried to find, how to set up minimum deployment target version separately for iPad and iPhone and but, I was unable to find the way. According to current xocde configuration, we cannot set that value device specifically. If anyone has an idea about it, please, share it and I really appreciate your help and feedback.

AFAIK, that's not directly possible. There is iOS and MacOS only.

Why do you need to do so ?

There maybe a work around:

  • set the smallest of the 2 targets as the iOS deployment target
  • in application(_:willFinishLaunchingWithOptions:), test for iPad as well as iOS version and return true or false accordingly
  • to test for iPad:
let isaPad = (UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .pad)
How to set minimum deployment target version to iPhone and iPad separately?