Simulator beta 15 is too slow

I installed Xcode 15 beta 5 as well as the simulator, the iOS simulator runs very very slow, it takes nearly 30 mins to start the device, and after it's started, it's very lag, can anyone help?

Have you checked

  • available memory
  • what's going on in Instruments ?

I have same problem please help !! I even refactor my whole computer but Xcode and Xcode simulator is too too slow I am so shock !! I have macOS Sonoma 14!

I have the same issue when using my intel based iMac and MacBook Pro. Haven't heard any confirmation but it might be intel based Macs that are affected.

Also here.. I don't know if it is 30 min also for me. After a bit I quit simulator and rerun. I have to do it several times...

Same thing as in previous year, same fix. Just paste it into the Terminal:

/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy /Applications/ -c "add order array" -c "add order: string 23EC2CF1-0188-49FC-B214-EC1AB37FE5C4"

I still have an extremely slow Simulator even with 15.0 release of xCode. It is only happening on an Intel Mac. A M1 machine does not have this problem.

I have same problem.

Official release Version 15.0 (15A240d) downloaded today. Simulator still extremely slow.

Spritekit apps show 60 fps but they stall every 0.25 seconds. Springboard process uses 100% processor on M1 Mac mini. Unusable.

Same on my M1 Mac mini (16/256).

Anyone fixed this and able to post how?

Same problem ,Even official release Version 15.0 ! any update? It's so terrible !

Hi, I filed a feedback (FB13195525) and the resolution is "Potential fix identified - For a future OS update". Guess we have to wait a bit, but Apple is definitely on it. Update: I updated to macOS Sonoma RC2 and Simulator performance seems to be normal again.

I have Sonoma and Xcode 15 installed. Both Xcode and the simulator are extremely slow. CPU usage is very high. I can load up a simple App in the simulator after some waiting. SwiftUI Preview will keep the CPU at 70% usage but sometimes it crashes.

I have a Intel CPU so I am not sure if this is a x86 specific issue.

anyone having this issue for the vision pro simulator as well? i'm on an i9 intel mbp with 32gb of ram.

I'm having the same problem and I've contacted the Apple Support Center. I'll let you know if I find a solution when they get back 😔

I have an Intel-based iMac as others, and still on Ventura. It's totally unusable for me. Booting takes 10 minutes, and all I can see after are white/black screens in a Simulator window, and hear a computer fan going wild. I've tried different workarounds, like doing a complete reinstall, deleting Developer folder, switch to internal GPU. I'm out of it, going to downgrade to Xcode 14 and don't even touch this version until a month later. Please, Apple, stop adding new features, just fix bugs and make the thing usable. On the previous version I had a source control integration broken.

Same issue with Xcode 15 running on a 2017 MacBook Pro with Ventura 13.6. Simulator is practically unusable, it seems to run the app ok but if you want to get into the settings (eg to sign in with an iCloud account) it takes many minutes between steps and is so unresponsive that the operation just times out. Previous Xcode didn't have this problem.

Same situation M1 Macbook with Sonoma 14.0 and Xcode 15.1 beta

I'm facing the same issue with a 2019 i7 MacBook Pro 15". The simulator runs smoothly on my M1 iMac.

Same here with M2 Pro and Sonoma

If anyone is here regarding specifically visionOS and is on a Intel mac, I would like to note that the current release notes say they don't support Intel macs anymore currently.

same here. MacBook Air m1

My Xcode simulator was running fine. After updating to Sonoma 14.1 and to Xcode 15.0.1, Xcode's simulator is so slow , it's basically unusable.

Hi there everyone, I just wanted to give you a headsup that this is not only happening locally but also big CI providers have this problem and are trying to mitigate the issue: The last post ( gives hope that the issue will be resolved with Xcode 15.1...

I had the same problem and fixed it, but you aren't going to like the answer: I bought a new MacBook Pro.

My old machine was hopeless for Xcode 15 and the iOS 17 simulators. A new macOS hello world app built and ran just fine. It was fast. Any new iOS hello world app would not work on any simulator at all (or occasionally work after more than an hour). It would work on my attached iPhone 11, but that was very slow, too. I never got my larger self-developed iOS apps working anywhere. My old computer is an earlier 2017 iMac with 16 GB memory and a 1 TB disk (500 GB free). While some of the 2017 iMacs are on the Sonoma approved list, mine was not so I was stuck with Ventura. I had tried just about everything including totally reinstalling Xcode and installing Xcode 14 and its older simulators. Nothing I tried could get me back to my workable, but slow, Xcode development environment I had a few months ago.

So, is the problem: -new Xcode? -new Simulators? -old OS? -Intel processors?

My new MacBook Pro is a 16-inch M3 Pro processor, 18 GB memory and a 512 GB disk (240 GB free). It's the smallest and cheapest 16-inch M3 MacBook Pro. I used Migration Assistant to move my files from the iMac to the MacBook (after doing extensive file clean up). The new machine is fast, flawless, and I like it.

How many years will it be before I have to do it again?

Simulator beta 15 is too slow