Quick Reply payload giving error

When trying to trigger Quick reply payload, Apple is returning 400 response without any info what is missing. I have followed the documentation given so cannot find what attribute is missing. Can anyone help share a working payload for:

  1. Quick reply Payload

2.Agent-To-User Typing

Payload I was using

    "sourceId": "{{source-id}}",
    "destinationId": "{{urn-id}}",
    "v": 1,
    "type": "interactive",
    "id": "49384592-0742-481b-b072-a8b66e4336a1",
    "interactiveData": {
        "bid": "com.apple.messages.MSMessageExtensionBalloonPlugin:0000000000:com.apple.icloud.apps.messages.business.extension",
        "data": {
            "mspVersion": "1.0",
            "requestIdentifier": "aae65b3f-9e5d-4ac8-a99a-4708d841524f",
            "quick-reply": {
                "summaryText": " What can I help you with?",
                "items": [
                        "identifier": "1",
                        "title": "Watch our video"
                        "identifier": "2",
                        "title": "Watch video"
        "receivedMessage": {
            "style": "large",
            "subtitle": "Farm fresh to you",
            "title": "Select Produce",
            "imageIdentifier": "101"
        "replyMessage": {
            "style": "small",
            "title": "this is title",
            "subtitle": "Subtitle to be displayed under title",
            "imageIdentifier": "2"
Quick Reply payload giving error