Identity section missing from Widget target

I have an app that has an iOS, Widget and ShareExtension targets.

When viewing the project file and I look at the iOS target, it has the Identity section

I can view / change the app category, Display Name, Bundle Identifier, version and build.

However, the Widget and ShareExtension now has these missing.

So, if I try to change the iOS version / build I get an error that they do not match.

The data appears to exist in the project file so I can hand edit the file for the Widget and ShareExtension.

I believe this started since using the Xcode 15 betas. Or at least I haven't noticed until now since I wanted to change the version number.

This appears to be consistent across all projects I have with Widgets.

Has anyone experienced this and is there a way to get it back?

I have switched back to my main branch and opened the project in Xcode 14.3.1 and each target that should have an identity section does have it, so it does look like it's been my transition to the Xcode betas that caused them to go away.

Same problem for me - with an app extension. To change anything (including the version), I need to use XCode 14. This needs to be fixed!

Same here, I have to change the version info in the 'Build settings' >>> 'Versioning'.

After upgrading to xcode 15.0, my shared extension does not have the "Identity" section and I have to change the version in “Build Settings” -> “Version“ as well.

Same here with Xcode 15.0. It's a little annoying that the extension version is no longer on the General tab. It's buried down in the Build Settings.

Same here with Xcode 15.0.1. Personally I have always found this part useless, remapping the same number in all my extensions. Now I hoped it had been removed, but instead it was complicated.

Please simplify things.

Identity section missing from Widget target