WatchOS App Review Rejected for UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities

First issue - this is an autonomous WatchOS app. So I'm unsure about the error about installing on iPhone,

Second issue is the typo at the end of the statement ("v"). The message is so very generic and errored I have no idea what to correct.

What I need help with:

Following the link provided and looking under "Discussion" one finds:

For a list of the features that different devices support, see Required Device Capabilities.

When you follow that link, one only finds settings for Vision, iPhone, iPad, and IPod Touch.

What required settings am I missing? What do I need to register as UIReqiuredDeviceCapabilities specifically for an autonomous WatchOS app?

My guess is I have some build setting(s) wrong even though this is built from the WatchOS app template.

How do I troubleshoot this to track down what I've done incorrectly?

Any help is appreciated.

This is the rejection message:

Guideline 2.3 - Performance - Accurate Metadata

We were unable to install the app on iPhone. The UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key i> n the Info.plist is set in such a way that the app will not install on v .

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please check the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key to verify that it contains only the attributes required for your app features or the attributes that must not be present on the device. Attributes specified by a dictionary should be set to true if they are required and false if they must not be present on the device.


Learn more about the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key.

Answered by rwc in 759504022

@Frameworks Engineer et. al.

The fix was to increase the WatchOS and IOS versions to their latest versions in Xcode.

For anyone else seeing this issue - specifically, and nondescript rejection message on App Store Connect that states:

We were unable to install the app on Apple Watch. The UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key i> n the Info.plist is set in such a way that the app will not install on Apple Watch .

It is very possible this doesn't have anything to do with UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities.

Your best bet here is probably to follow up with App Review, since without knowing what you submitted, it's impossible to interpret the response.

Thank you for clarifying that your question is "what might I be missing in my project to properly indicate that it's a Watch-only app?" (assuming that autonomous means Watch-only). This is still going to require knowing something about how you constructed your project. It's possible that you're missing the WKWatchOnly key, which needs to be set to YES for Watch-only apps. The mutually-exclusive WKRunsIndependentlyOfCompanionApp would be used if the app has an iOS companion but does not require it to be installed for the watch app to function. Both of these keys happen to be listed in the "See Also" section at UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities, which might be why App Review referred you there.

How exactly did you create your project? When you create a watch-only app in Xcode, the WKWatchOnly key is added for you automatically.

@Frameworks Engineer - Awesome...thanks for sticking in there with me. In Xcode - Target/Info - "App is only available as a standalone watchOS app" is set to YES, and there is no IOS companion.

Expanding the app archive's package and then the application package contents, the info.plist does not contain a WKWatchOnly key at all. Is that where that key should reside? If so, shouldn't Xcode automatically insert the key based upon the info settings in the image?

I am 99.9% certain the only difference between this project and the default WatchOS only app template is the inclusion of a complication extension in my app.

@Frameworks Engineer - I just confirmed that the Info.plist in my app is exactly the same as the template watch only Info.plist of an archived template app. The only differences are the obvious app name and app version numbers.

FYI - "Autonomous Watch App" is from the Apple documentation.

Accepted Answer

@Frameworks Engineer et. al.

The fix was to increase the WatchOS and IOS versions to their latest versions in Xcode.

For anyone else seeing this issue - specifically, and nondescript rejection message on App Store Connect that states:

We were unable to install the app on Apple Watch. The UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key i> n the Info.plist is set in such a way that the app will not install on Apple Watch .

It is very possible this doesn't have anything to do with UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities.

@rwc Im experiencing exactly the same problem App being rejected for the same UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities reason. Also using WatchOS only app template with WKWatchOnly set to TRUE.

According to this thread I increased Deployment target from 9.2 (rejected one) to latest 9.4 and now waiting for second review round (I will let you know soon...). But I still can't believe that version is the real case. Isn't it just about being lucky and get competent reviewer assigned or vice versa @Frameworks Engineer ?

Also I'v noticed while browsing .xcarchive /Products/Applications/MyApp/Info.plist that there is


automatically added to top level project (not in Watch app it self)

Isn't this what confuses or prevents reviewers from installation?

@PanKlimesh were you able to resolve this by increasing the target frmo 9.2 to 9.4? I just increased my target as well, but didn't work. I'm wondering if should also increase the iOS deployment target to 17.2 (despite this only being a watchOS app, not sure)

I also have a Watch-Only app that was newly created from the Watch-Only Xcode template. It was rejected on its first App Review submission for the same reason. Based on the discussions I've found here and elsewhere, it seems that the issue is that App Review isn't recognizing it as a Watch-Only app. After the rejection, I responded with the following comment and then re-submitted without uploading a new binary. Soon after, it was accepted. My suggestion would be to mention in the App Review instructions that it's a Watch-Only app, as it appears this may not be clear on their side.

Here was my reply following the initial rejection due to 'Accurate Metadata / UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities': 'This is a Watch-Only app created using the Xcode Watch-Only template. Could you please verify that you're attempting to install it as a Watch-Only app? If so, could you link to documentation that specifies what UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities should be set for a Watch-Only app? Thank you.'

WatchOS App Review Rejected for UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities