Syncing iPhone/IPad configurations

Say a user wants to restrict their schedule for a certain app's usage every day. For sake of example, lets say they want to block Fruit Ninja usage during certain times of the day, and they've downloaded Fruit Ninja on iPhone and iPad. Is there a way to sync Family Controls / ManagedSettings settings between iOS and iPad, like a user can create a unified account that monitors Fruit Ninja usage across both devices (without having to set up separate configs on each device?)

I'm thinking of something like syncing ApplicationTokens, but I don't think this would work since I imagine the hashes will be different for the same app on different devices.

Good question! According to the documentation, "FamilyActivitySelection provides tokens that devices within the same Family Sharing group can use to identify applications.". There is a good chance that tokens might be shared between different devices.

I guess you can try this fairly easily by saving a token to a JSON file on one of your devices then trying to decode it on another device. Let me know if that works!

Syncing iPhone/IPad configurations