I'm putting together a really simple demo/learning app to try out some of the new features of iOS 17, and I've found when adding a Map to an existing TabView, the map is extending itself over the tab, which is actually still visible and can be interacted with, but is basically hidden.
There may be a modifier or something I'm missing to tell the map to stay in its frame, but I haven't found it. I have tried ones like safeAreaInsets
, but that didn't seem to be right.
Here's my super-simple view:
TabView {
Text("Not the map")
.tabItem {
Label("Not Map", systemImage: "person")
.tabItem {
Label("Map", systemImage: "map")
And here's how it looks in the Simulator:
I will file a feedback for this, but didn't want to too quickly assume it's a bug when it's just as likely I'm not doing something right (if not more so).