MapCircle not updating on center or radius change

Using Xcode 15.0 beta 4

I have MapCoordinate struct:

private struct MapCoordinate: Equatable {
        let location: Location
        let latitude: Double
        let longitude: Double
        var coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D {
            return CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude)
        init?(location: Location) {
            guard let latitude = location.latitude,
                  let longitude = location.longitude else {
                return nil
            self.location = location
            self.latitude = latitude
            self.longitude = longitude

mapCoordinate and radius state variables:

    @State private var mapCoordinate: MapCoordinate?
    @State private var radius: CLLocationDistance

And a mapView:

    @ViewBuilder var mapView: some View {
        Map {
            if let mapCoordinate {
                let annotationTitle = radius.toMeasurement(unit: .meters, convertedTo: .kilometers)
                Annotation(annotationTitle, coordinate: mapCoordinate.coordinate) {
                    Image(systemImage: .mapPinEllipse)
                MapCircle(center: mapCoordinate.coordinate, radius: radius)
                    .stroke(.teal, lineWidth: circleStrokeLineWidth)
        .mapStyle(.standard(elevation: .realistic))
        .animation(.easeInOut, value: mapCoordinate)

When updating mapCoordinate the Annotation will animate correctly to the new coordinates, but the MapCircle will not update or change scale for neither mapCoordinate or radius changes.