403 Error During Specific Time Period with DeviceCheck API Usage

I have a question regarding the usage of the DeviceCheck API. We have been using https://api.development.devicecheck.apple.com/v1/validate_device_token for checking device tokens.

However, we encountered frequent HTTP response status code 403 between 16:50 and 17:15 Japan time on June 29th. According to the official documentation at https://developer.apple.com/documentation/devicecheck/accessing_and_modifying_per-device_data, I understand that a 403 error indicates "The specified action isn't allowed". Yet, I would like to clarify under what specific circumstances this error would be returned.

Please note that we do not encounter a 403 error outside the aforementioned timeframe, which leads us to believe there is no issue with our basic implementation.

Saw the same issue today

403 Error During Specific Time Period with DeviceCheck API Usage