Bug Report: Empty Product.products on Initial App Launch in iOS 17


In iOS 17, there is a bug where the Product.products() method from StoreKit returns an empty array on the first launch of the app after installation. However, subsequent launches of the app do not have this issue, and the product array is populated correctly. This problem can be reproduced by deleting and reinstalling the app. It should be noted that this bug is specific to iOS 17, as iOS 16 and iOS 15 do not exhibit the same behavior.

Reproduction Steps:

Install the app on an iOS 17 device.

Launch the app for the first time.

Notice that the product array is empty.

Close the app.

Reopen the app.

Verify that the product array is no longer empty.

import SwiftUI
import StoreKit

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Products are empty on initial app launch in iOS 17")
        }.task {
            let products = try? await Product.products(for: ["premium"])


any updates on this? Is it still happening for your app? Since the release of iOS17 some weeks ago our monitoring shows also a lot of failing requests for initial product loadings for iOS17 only - none of the current iOS updates has fixed this. I already opened a Ticket for this. https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/feedback/13232149

Bug Report: Empty Product.products on Initial App Launch in iOS 17