Accessibility Inspector is not working on Xcode 14.3.1

The Accessibility Inspector tool stopped working in the simulator after the release of Xcode 14.3.1 (14E300b).

Hi there, sorry you're running into this issue. Thanks for raising it here! To help the team triage and understand this better, please take a few minutes to file a bug report using the Feedback Assistant tool,

The Feedback Assistant tool will help you attach vital information to understanding what might be going on here like device logs, potential crash traces, and more. Feel free to reply here with your feedback ID when you're done!

I'm having the same issue. Any update on this?

I'm having the same issue.

Same issue still persists. Is there any workaround?

Same here. The tool does not work more often than it does. In previous Xcode 14 releases it worked quite well. But it can't find the simulator screen at all and run an audit for example. Screen reader works in a way when you select Mac>Simulator instead of Simulator

I had the same issue on a simulator with iOS 16.4, but when I ran the app on a simulator with iOS 17.0, the Accessibility Inspector worked fine.

Accessibility Inspector is not working on Xcode 14.3.1