Issues with AVPlayerViewController on iOS 17

When trying to present a AVPlayerViewController I am getting this error:

-AVSystemController- +[AVSystemController sharedInstance]: Failed to allocate AVSystemController, numberOfAttempts=1

and when setting the AVPlayer to it, I get

<<<< AVError >>>> AVLocalizedErrorWithUnderlyingOSStatus: Returning error (AVFoundationErrorDomain / -11,800) status (-12,746)

Nothing of this happens with iOS 16 or lower

So I tried with XCode 14 now and it works fine, so the issue is with XCode 15 Beta + iOS 17

Also seeing this error with Xcode 15 and iOS 17 simulator.

I'm seeing this on tvOS 17 real hardware when trying to load images using AVAssetImageGenerator.generateCGImageAsynchronously and I'm not getting any images from the asset. But it works on tvOS simulator.

Issues with AVPlayerViewController on iOS 17