Can we use RealityComposerPro for iPhone RealityKit apps?

Attempting to load an entity via Entity.loadAsync(contentsOf: url) throws an error when passing a .realitycomposerpro file: "Cannot determine file format for ...Package.realitycomposerpro" AdditionalErrors=( "Error Domain=USDKitErrorDomain Code=3 "Failed to open layer }

I have a VisionOs app with the same Reality Composer pro file referenced. The project automatically builds a .reality file out of the project. The project contains the realityComposerPro package as a library in the Link Binary build phase. I duplicated this setup with my iPhone app using RealityKit. Attempting to include a realityconvertpro package into my existing app. causes a build error:

RealityAssetsCompile: Error: for --platform, value must be one of [xros, xrsimulator], not 'iphoneos' Usage: realitytool compile --output-reality <output-reality> [--schema-file <schema-file>] [--derived-data <derived-data>] --platform <platform> --deployment-target <deployment-target> [--use-metal <use-metal>] <rk-assets-folder> See 'realitytool compile --help' for more information.

Lastly, I extracted the .reality file generated by a separate, working, visionOs app using reality converter pro. Attempting to actually load an entity from this file results in an error: Reality File version 9 is not supported. (Latest supported version is 7.)

i just came to ask the same question. i was hoping to use composer pro to build a assets for a realitykit game for mac.

Reality Composer Pro support visionOS only destinations at this time

Can we use RealityComposerPro for iPhone RealityKit apps?