Cannot move or resize AVPlayerViewController in XCode 15 Beta 2 on visionOS.


I followed along the "Create a great spatial playback experience" video now that the visionOS SDK is out, and I also downloaded the Sample app "Destination Video".

Unfortunately, in both cases, it is impossible to move or resize the player's window. The bar to move and the corner to resize will move, but the window itself doesn't. I attached the logs in case they might be useful.

Thank you!

Hello, I noticed the same issue. It seems like a bug but there are no mentions of it in the visionOS release notes. Furthermore, when adding ornaments to an AVPlayerViewController full screen, the ornaments do appear but are faded out by the player views‘ edges, as part of this “invisible” window that can be dragged around, with the ornaments following it, but with no effect on the player view.

Hello! Thanks for sharing, glad I am not the only one!

Hello, I met same issue like this. Is there any way to move and resize video window in visionOS?

Cannot move or resize AVPlayerViewController in XCode 15 Beta 2 on visionOS.