I am trying to use @Namespace for my matchedGeometryEffect use case.
prior to Xcode 15 beta the following code worked just fine:
struct ChapterItem_Previews: PreviewProvider {
@Namespace static var namespace
static var previews: some View {
ChapterItem(namespace: namespace, show: .constant(true))
However trying to do the same within the new Xcode 15 beta #Preview Macro
#Preview {
@Namespace var namespace
ChapterItem(namespace: namespace, show: .constant(true))
produces the following error message:
Ambiguous use of 'Preview(_:traits:body:)'
May I kindly get assistance on the proper way I can get this to work in Xcode 15 beta? Please be as detail as you can since I'm still new to swiftUI as well Thank You.
The closure passed to #Preview
is not a ViewBuilder
so once you have more than a single line code in it the "implicit return" no longer functions and you therefore have to be explicit about which lines return. I believe the error above will go away if you change line 64 to read return ChapterItem(namespace: namespace, show: .constant(true))