Apple Vision Pro Specifications

Hi, I have a question about Apple Vision Pro specifications.

  1. HWhat are the vertical, horizontal, and diagonal FOV degrees of Vision Pro?
  2. How many cm does Vision Pro's Near clipping plane support?
  3. How many meters does Vision Pro's Far clipping plane support?
  4. Does eye tracking, authentication, etc. work properly for people wearing contact lenses?
  5. At what age can Vision Pro be worn?

Best regards.

Sadao Tokuyama

1: As of right now the official specifications have not been released. Currently it is reported as being somewhere between 100-120 FOV. I suspect once the Vision OS SDK is released we will have a more concrete answer to this question.

2:Same as previous.

5:For other Near eye display headsets , the common age seems to be 13 . From reading some research papers it seems as the default age of 13 was set to mitigate the risks of early myopia (near sightedness). But many papers also site that there were no short term complications with headset display [technologies.]

Google Search for "Ocular effects of virtual reality headset wear in young adults"

I suspect that most of your questions will be answered as we get closer to the launch of the product. If fairly certain that there will be some more refinement and minor design changes so until they have a 100% design freeze some of these variables could still be changed

@Cheremiah Thank you very much for your kind reply, and I hope that Apple will give us a lot of information from now on, and that the information we want to know will gradually become available.

Seeing that questions 1. - 3. have already been throughly answered, I'll touch on questions 4.

The answer is: Most Likely. Based on current available iris scanning technology, a transparent contact would most likely not interfere with the iris scan. In addition, Apple is working with a company to develop build in glasses adapters for the Vision Pro, which would remove the need for a user to wear contacts while using the Vision Pro.
The question is very vague. The biggest factor for the Vision Pro is the strap size. I imagine Apple will release additional sized bands with the release of the Vision Pro. There is no specific age set for the Vision Pro, and it looks as it it will work with family sharing as with any other Apple device.

Hopefully I have answered your questions. Have a blessed day!

  1. Horizontal FOV is noticeably smaller than that of the Quest 2 or 3, so about 100 degrees vertical only.
Apple Vision Pro Specifications