How in interactive widgets in ios 17 to prevent the opening of the application by clicking on the widget?

How in interactive widgets in ios 17 to prevent the opening of the application by clicking on the widget? Sometimes the user may miss the button and opening the application is inappropriate in this case

What about putting a big button calling a AppIntent that do nothing as background?

I didn't try to put an overlay a button on another button but if it works it may be your solution. Otherwise you'll have to put some inactive buttons around your active button I think.

Thanks for your reply. Place a button with an empty Intent as the background of the widget works. However, I see a bug. If you make a few quick clicks on such a button, the application will still open. I hope this is a bug and it will be fixed in the next beta.

Got the same question. Even did place the same button with empty intent, and still launch the app with quick clicks. This needs to be fix. It destroy the meaning of interactive.

Need help. I'm begging.

I am having the same issue. Apple, please address this as this disrupts the whole interactive widget experience. I submitted a bug report on this. If you are having this issue, please also submit a bug report. I suggested adding a modifier function for the Widget that would disable the launch of the main app if that is not the desired behavior.

I have still exactly the same behavior on iOS 17 beta 4. It is absolutely unpredictable when the tap on an interactive item (button or toggle) will pass through and will open the app.

I did put a full size interactive background button (with an intent) doing nothing to try to catch missed click. It improve behavior but some tap still open the app with no reason.

It looks like a bug but I am afraid it will persist for a while... :(

I have the same problem with quick clicks in my widget: sometimes the app opens when the button is pressed.

Strangely, I can't reproduce it with the Emoji Rangers sample code from Apple (you should try if it's the same for you).

I don't understand why, as I have tried to display the same content in my app as the Emoji Rangers one, but I still have the problem.

I'm speculating here, but maybe the button click is ignored when the timeline provider loads the updated data, but the widget still responds to the clicks to open the app.

Not fixed in the release version. It is too bad that Apple ignores us and it issue

I’m still seeing this bug even in iOS 17.1.2 and it’s preventing me from shipping a feature that relies on Widget button interactions, because the host app is easily being launched unintentionally.

If you haven’t already done so, please report this bug by filing feedback at and hopefully Apple will fix this for us 🙏

I’m still seeing this bug even in iOS 17.4

How in interactive widgets in ios 17 to prevent the opening of the application by clicking on the widget?