Touchscreen gestures in CarPlay aren't recognized in the app

Touchscreen gestures in CarPlay aren't recognized in the app (delegate CPMapTemplateDelegate functions aren't called). Tried also in the Coastal Roads demo app to add test functions to check that pan functions are called - the same:

    func mapTemplateDidBeginPanGesture(_ mapTemplate: CPMapTemplate) {
        MemoryLogger.shared.appendEvent("Did begin pan gesture.")

    func mapTemplate(_ mapTemplate: CPMapTemplate, panBeganWith direction: CPMapTemplate.PanDirection) {
        MemoryLogger.shared.appendEvent("Did begin pan gesture with direction \(direction.rawValue).")

Note: buttons (on carplay app) are working when pressing on them. Also, the desktop of carplay can be panned (by swipe gesture). Using Xcode 14.3, MacBook pro M1

These delegate methods are related to the built-in panning control on the map template. Can you try tapping it to go into pan mode, then using the pan arrows to move the view around the screen? Many vehicles do not support swiping/dragging gestures on the touch screen.

I've also been running into this somewhat randomly. My car has a touch screen and I receive the panBeganWith family of events most of the time. Sometimes, such as right now, my app will simply stop receiving these events even though other apps still respond to touch interactions. I'm able to interact with other elements of my app's user interface such as the map controls and top bar buttons, but dragging does not result in the appropriate callback events being fired.

Touchscreen gestures in CarPlay aren't recognized in the app