How well does Xcode work (for iOS/macOS development) on a 14" MBP screen?

I've been seriously considering a 14" MBP (coming from a 15" MBP) and am curious how well iOS/macOS development will work on a 14" screen.

Has anyone worked with Xcode on a 14" MBP, or is it too small (especially with the simulator on screen?)

Is there any way to move the SwiftUI preview window (and/or the simulator) to an external monitor?

Personal opinions may vary, but I find that I can use Xcode most effectively when I have lots of screen space.

Using my MacBook Pro 13" is fine for some "light" development work, but when the going gets serious, I always turn to my main machine, which uses a 3-monitor setup.

You may find a similar situation with a 14" MBP.
Basic development work on the laptop is okay, but one or more external monitors may be preferable.
You can size and distribute Xcode/Simulator/Documentation/Browser windows (among the screens) as you like, to create your preferred work environment.

How well does Xcode work (for iOS/macOS development) on a 14" MBP screen?