I've written a Swift package plugin to add the colours provided in the asset bundles in an extension of the SwiftUI Color
type but I'm having difficulties testing this since the bundle and/or colour that is in the asset catalogs are not yet loaded when XCTest goes to evaluate the test conditions. Here is my test code: (colours are just random colours, some derive from macOS colour picker; also, the new static method is functionality that I added and is not present in the existing Color
final class TestCase: XCTestCase {
func testBanana() {
XCTAssertEqual(Color.banana, Color.new(from: "FEFC78")!)
func testAlexsColor() {
XCTAssertEqual(Color.alexsColor, Color.new(from: "0432FF")!)
func testMaximumPowerColor() {
XCTAssertEqual(Color.maximumPower, Color.new(from: "FF2600")!)
func testLongNameColor() {
XCTAssertEqual(Color.reallyLongNameThatJustKeepsGoingOnAndOnAndOnAndOn, Color.new(from: "AAA000"))
Here is an example error message that I get when I run the test:
testBanana(): XCTAssertEqual failed: ("NamedColor(name: "Banana", bundle: Optional(NSBundle </Users/trevorhafner/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TransportBase-cbagdabrompfzofwkimswvlsincu/Build/Products/Debug/TransportBaseTests.xctest/Contents/Resources/TransportBase_TransportBaseTests.bundle> (not yet loaded)))") is not equal to ("#FEFC78FF")
Here is the autogenerated code that my Swift Package Plugin creates:
#if canImport(SwiftUI)
import SwiftUI
import Foundation
@available(iOS 13.0, macOS 10.15, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *)
public extension Color {
static let banana = Color("Banana", bundle: .module)
static let alexsColor = Color("Alex's Color", bundle: .module)
static let reallyLongNameThatJustKeepsGoingOnAndOnAndOnAndOn = Color("really long name that just keeps going on and on and on and on", bundle: .module)
static let maximumPower = Color("Maximum Power", bundle: .module)
Does anyone know how to somehow instruct the bundle or the Color to load such that the comparison can be made correctly between the two colours?