Hi , I got this quote with 5800 repetitions (5.8 MB / 1k) :
`2023-05-25 01:02:59.021733+0200 LookAt[6404:302136] [general] *** -[NSKeyedUnarchiver validateAllowedClass:forKey:] allowed unarchiving safe plist type ''NSNumber' (0x7ff84cfe02f8) [/System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework]' for key 'NS.objects', even though it was not explicitly included in the client allowed classes set: '{(
"'NSMutableDictionary' (0x7ff84cfb6b48) [/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework]",
"'NSArray' (0x7ff84cfb68a0) [/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework]"
)}'. This will be disallowed in the future `
NSData * data;
NSError * error = nil;
data = [_vrReadWrite readData:kFileComponentA];
NSSet * set = [_vrReadWrite setOfClasses];
_vrRoot = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchivedObjectOfClasses:set
fromData:data error:&error];
I got the expected result, that's fine, but I'm not interested in this future.