ipa build with xcode 14.2 crashing in ios 16 and 16.x but working absolutely fine with lower versions.

In code:

thread Queue: shared_tcpConnWorkQueue 


 0x242276464 <+0>:  adrp   x8, 137736     

0x242276468 <+4>:  adrp   x9, 0    

 0x24227646c <+8>:  add    x9, x9, #0xa3f            ; "Linked against modern SDK, VOIP socket will not wake. Use Local Push Connectivity instead"     

0x242276470 <+12>: str    x9, [x8, #0x390]

0x242276474 <+16>: brk    #0x1 -> EXC_BREAKPOINT (code=1, subcode=0x242276474)


Application Specific Information:

Linked against modern SDK, VOIP socket will not wake. Use Local Push Connectivity instead


Thread 3 name:   Dispatch queue: shared_tcpConnWorkQueue

Thread 3 Crashed:

0   libsp.dylib                          0x216566474 spd_checkin_socket.cold.1 + 16

1   libsp.dylib                          0x2165654c0 spd_checkin_socket + 896

2   CFNetwork                            0x1b4230ef0 0x1b40f2000 + 1306352

3   CFNetwork                            0x1b4232bcc 0x1b40f2000 + 1313740

4   CFNetwork                            0x1b42351e0 0x1b40f2000 + 1323488

5   CFNetwork                            0x1b42343a0 0x1b40f2000 + 1319840

6   libdispatch.dylib                    0x1b9e61850 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 24

7   libdispatch.dylib                    0x1b9e627c8 _dispatch_client_callout + 16

8   libdispatch.dylib                    0x1b9e3d854 _dispatch_lane_serial_drain$VARIANT$armv81 + 604

9   libdispatch.dylib                    0x1b9e3e2e4 _dispatch_lane_invoke$VARIANT$armv81 + 380

10  libdispatch.dylib                    0x1b9e48000 _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 612

11  libsystem_pthread.dylib              0x1fa8e2b50 _pthread_wqthread + 284

12  libsystem_pthread.dylib              0x1fa8e267c start_wqthread + 8

I think it is due to voip socket issue. But not getting the point exactly. As am new to ios Development so do not have much idea. Looking forward for guidance. Thanks in advance!

It's hard to say what's going on here or even point you in the right direction without an Apple crash log. I believe Quinn has a post about obtaining an Apple crash log here.

Matt’s right that full crash reports are always welcome, but in this case the answer is visible from the snippets you posted. Your app is using the legacy VoIP architecture. Apple has been in the process deprecating and removing that over the past N years. I’m not 100% up-to-speed on the timeline here — one of my colleagues here in DTS tracks this — but my understanding is that:

  • The legacy VoIP architecture has been completely disabled for the last few releases.

  • We’ve now added an SDK check to trap folks who are still trying to use it (and I say “trying” because of the first point).

You need to remove the last vestiges of the legacy VoIP architecture code from your app. Don’t forget to remove the associated entitlement.

How you proceed from there depends on what your app does. There are three common options:

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"

I believe the crash was due to Xcode 14.2 only. After multiple attempts I had only one choice to upgrade the xcode and it "Worked". The crashed resolved after building the ipa with the new Xcode version.

I believe the crash was due to Xcode 14.2 only. After multiple attempts I had only one choice to upgrade the xcode and it "Worked". The crashed resolved after building the ipa with the new Xcode version.

@eskimo @meaton
Thanks for the support guys!

ipa build with xcode 14.2 crashing in ios 16 and 16.x but working absolutely fine with lower versions.