Excessive memory use by testmanagerd on M1/M2 systems

We have four build agents.

  • 2 x Intel, 8GB RAM
  • 1 x M1, 8 GB RAM
  • 1 x M2, 8GB RAM

The only differences in the configurations are the processor types.

On the Intel systems things work fine. On the M1/M2 systems we see the "Force Quit Applications" dialog, with the message:

"Your system has run out of application memory."

None of the processes it offers to quit are big, but checking Activity Monitor shows testmanagerd using 9+ GB (yes GIGABYTES) of Memory. It show "Real Memory" of about 1GB.

Anyone have an idea of what's going on here? All of the systems are running the most current Ventura build, and Xcode 14.3

This is still happening. Only on M1/M2 systems.

We also see swift-frontend taking 5GB per-instance, with three of them visible in Activity Monitor.

It's bad enough that the systems will sometimes become unusable--a standard build for test will take many hours, and it shows 9GB of swap being used.

We can't be the only ones seeing this issue...

yes we are also seeing this issue. Were you able to find a solution for this?

Excessive memory use by testmanagerd on M1/M2 systems